Personal Training & Fascial Stretch Therapy

Well, it has been about 1 ½ years of training with Alli. After taking years to finally admit I needed to find a trainer to work with I’m so glad that I took the plunge. Like most, there are workout days where I’m thinking oh geez, I’d rather not do this today or I think I’m good with 8 reps instead of 15. Alli pushes me to get it done. She is tough, but also understanding at the same time for those days when I’m a bit injured or feeling less energetic. The positive reinforcement and persistence certainly make the sessions worthwhile. I'm much stronger than when I began and recommend twice a week (30 min) sessions.
Alli, has also introduced me to something called “Fascia Stretch” which I must admit I had never heard of before. This is an intense session of assisted stretching which, in my case, is certainly something I need. My back and hamstrings ... my shoulders... everything benefits from this treatment. And in conjunction with a weekly yoga session with Alli's close friend Kierstin, I'm slowly gaining more range of motion and better movement in my 50's than I ever had in my 40's (and probably even my 30's if we're being honest). The “Pretzel Stretch”, as I like to call it, is a personal "favourite", and has really started to make a difference with my upper back/neck flexibility and was one of the main reasons that I was able to stop getting daily tension headaches.
Thanks Alli for kicking my ass every week and smiling about it.
Looking forward to more grueling workouts and pretzel stretches in the coming months.
(Posted Jan, 2023)
"In The Beginning"
6 month Testimonial from Sept 2021
I like many people have had gym memberships. You love it at first and you go 2, 3, 4 times per week and are so happy you signed up. Then after a few weeks you start to slack until eventually you realize it's been months since you've been to the gym. In the meantime, life happens. You're working full-time, volunteering, coaching your kids and so on. It seems that looking after yourself sometimes takes a back seat.
Well, COVID caused many of us to take the time to reflect on our lifestyles and focus more energy on taking care of ourselves. Late in 2020 I searched online for virtual training that could be done from home and after a few sessions with people outside of our geographical area I stopped. Then in late spring of 2021 I decided to search again only to find this "Alli Ross" person was located in Peterborough. We set up a video chat and agreed to try a few sessions. The sessions were safely outdoors ( covid times) and one-on-one.
I admit to being a bit nervous at first as I've never had a Personal Trainer. The first few workouts I could barely complete without total exhaustion. I am on insulin and was constantly checking my sugars during the first few workouts. Recently that hasn't been necessary as my sugars are stable, and I realized that although these workouts are extremely challenging and uncomfortable this was exactly what I needed. My goal wasn't to lose weight, but rather turn some fat into muscle and become stronger and in better overall shape.
After working out once a week for about a month I decided to increase it to twice per week and have been doing that for about 3-4 weeks. I am feeling stronger and have more energy than before.
Some days I can't believe I pay to get my ass kicked, but most days I'm so happy I decided to take the plunge.
Alli doesn't let me give up or take shortcuts. She is firm and tough but also checks in regularly to ensure that I'm doing ok.
I'm hooked now!!
Thanks Alli.